A Community-Led Charity

preserving & improving the environment, wildlife, heritage & infrastructure of Lunan Bay, whilst nurturing a responsible community.

Established in 2020 by residents and businesses at Lunan Bay, our main objectives are to sustainably preserve and improve the natural, historic, built and human environments of Lunan Bay. To achieve these aims we collaborate with the wider community who have an affinity for Lunan Bay, the authorities, and other likeminded community and interest groups.

We run Scotland’s first community-led coastal Ranger Service providing community education programs, visitor management services and conservation activities at Lunan Bay.  Lunan Bay is a stunning, yet fragile area of natural beauty which needs the support of the local and wider communities, who adore it, to ensure its sustainable future for generations to come.

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Support the LBCP

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The LBCP relies on crucial funding to uphold and deliver on our Aims, Events and Projects which protect and benefit Lunan Bay, the surrounding and immediate community and visitors from all over the world.

LBCP Rangers

Working with the local community

Junior Ranger Clubs

Inspiring younger generations

Meet the

LBCP Rangers



aims and core values

Our Objective

Our main objectives are to safely and sustainably promote, preserve and improve the natural, historic, built and human environments of Lunan Bay

get involved

sign up to become a member, or friend of the LBCP