Foul Hooked Seagull Rescue at Lunan BayOne of our key roles as NatureScot funded LBCP Rangers is to protect the varied wildlife at Lunan Bay. We were recently alerted by a LBCP member who discover a herring gull in severe distress, due being hooked to fishing tackle.
We found that he had been foul hooked with the hook embedded deep into his throat, connected to four foot length of fishing line attached to a sinker.

After several attempts wading into the sea, we retrieved and examined the injured bird.
We were assisted by another LBCP member who is vet but we were unable to free the gull so contacted the Scottish SPCA, who promptly collected the injured bird for treatment.
foul hook fishing pollution
We are currently awaiting to hear from the SSCPA of his fate.
This incident highlights an egregious disregard of animal welfare due to irresponsible fishing by certain individuals.