Aims Of the LBCP
Our main objectives are to safely and sustainably promote, preserve and improve the natural, historic, built and human environments of Lunan Bay and its immediate environs.
To achieve these aims we collaborate with the wider community who have an affinity for Lunan Bay, the authorities, and other likeminded community and interest groups.
The LBCP was established for:
- Advancement of citizenship and community development
- Advancement of environmental protection and improvement
- Protecting and promoting the historic and coastal marine heritage of Lunan Bay and environs
- Protecting and enhancing the natural and built environment of Lunan Bay
- Promoting the needs and interests of Lunan Bay Communities Partnership residents
- Developing and maintaining sustainable local communities
- Protecting and promoting wildlife and native plant colonisation of the area, and promoting responsible management of the coastal marine habitat of Lunan Bay and environs
- Promoting and managing responsible visitor access, as defined in the Scottish Land Access Regulations 2003, to the beach, dune area, estuary and hinterland
OSCR Registered Charity
LBCP is a OSCR Scottish Registered Charity
OSCR are the independent Regulator and registrar for Scotland’s charities, including community groups, religious charities, schools, universities, grant-giving charities, and major care providers.
Support the LBCP
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The LBCP relies on crucial funding to uphold and deliver on our Aims, Events and Projects which protect and benefit Lunan Bay, the surrounding and immediate community and visitors from all over the world.

Community Education
LBCP Rangers Offer Outdoor Education to Local Schools
LBCP Rangers Offer Outdoor Education to Local Schools Our community-led Rangers, Michelle and Owen are excited to deliver their first
October 25, 2021