Community Ranger Service
LBCP were eager to address the antisocial issues caused by pandemic at Lunan Bay but also were keen to develop a sustainable tourism and environmental strategy for Lunan Bay.
Scotland Has World Class Access Laws, Scottish Outdoor Access Code (SOAC)
But it was clear from the behaviours exhibited during the pandemic that many people were unaware that these rights of access came with conditions, mainly through ignorance on their part.
SOAC is nearly 20 years old, yet this guidance is not taught in schools in Scotland and generally education on SOAC to locals and visitors is poor plus numbers of Countryside Rangers had been dramatically reduced over the years. For rural Scotland to flourish as visitor destination, it requires both infrastructure and personnel.
the first community-managed Ranger Service in Scotland
In response, The LBCP came up with the idea to offer a community-led Ranger Service at Lunan Bay to educate visitors on SOAC and the benefits of the outdoors, while reducing stress and anxieties for the residents.
Proposals to mitigate this include: natural regeneration of woodland on established dunes, ongoing monitoring the effects of climate change and maintaining relatively low key development and recreational provision.
The feedback from visitors has been tremendous
A Collaborative Project
The LBCP were awarded £29k from NatureScot‘s Better Places Green Recovery Fund to employ two seasonal Rangers from July to Oct 2021 and have had to build the whole service from recruiting the Rangers to furnishing their office and project development. Angus Council are our partners on this project, with the LBCP responsible the day-to-day management of the Rangers.
assessing SOAC-compliant camping
It is an enormous voluntary team effort from LBCP and the Rangers, along with support from Angus Council and landowners. The feedback from visitors has been tremendous, many are benefitting from the Ranger impact socially, educationally and environmentally.
Within the project, we have developed an innovative tool to assess SOAC-compliant wild camping called Wild-CAT, which is used to collate data to affect policy change.
Our Rangers run weekly classes which are free and open to all

LBCP Ranger Service Awarded Angus Council Fund for Community Outdoor Education
LBCP Ranger Service Awarded Angus Council Funding for Community Outdoor Education Weekly Junior Ranger Club, part of the free community outdoor education programs run by the LBCP Community
We need your help
Help Us Provide a Permanent Ranger Service at Lunan Bay and Beyond
Please Donate
The Ranger Project day-to-day management is provided by the voluntary contribution of the LBCP Board of Trustees
The initial Ranger project was funded by NatureScot’s Better Places Green Recovery Grant, applied for and awarded to the LBCP which allowed us to offer the Ranger Service from 1 July to 31 Oct 2021, in collaboration with Angus Council. The Ranger Project day-to-day management is provided by the voluntary contribution of the LBCP Board of Trustees. Much of the infrastructure was donated by LBCP members. The LBCP have applied for several grants to support a long term Ranger Service at Lunan Bay, and our ambition is to roll this community-led Ranger Service across Angus and throughout Scotland. If you would like to support us, we can also accept donations.
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The LBCP relies on crucial funding to uphold and deliver on our Aims, Events and Projects which protect and benefit Lunan Bay, the surrounding and immediate community and visitors from all over the world.
Bird Trails – During School Holidays
Seasonal Events
Our Community Ranger-led Junior Ranger Club at Lunan Bay.
With the Global UN Climate Change Conference, COP26, which is held in Glasgow, our priority is to continue educating children in Angus about the importance of nature through our Community Ranger-led Junior Ranger Club at Lunan Bay.
We are running this free family club every Sat from 12-2pm. Our Junior Ranger Club outdoor education classes is also available for Angus primary schools. We are also running a kids club over the Tattie holidays.