
When our Rangers surveyed over 100 visitors during summer 2021 and asked why they love to visit Lunan Bay- the majority explained that they cherished its unspoilt beauty.

When our Rangers enquired what could be improved on at Lunan Bay, after the installation of public toilets, many answered that they wanted it to remain pristine and undeveloped.


Lunan Bay’s popularity has been growing over the years, yet there was no organisation responsible for safeguarding a sustainable future for Lunan Bay, similar to those seen neighbouring nature reserves along to Angus and Aberdeenshire coast.




Sustainable Strategies for Visitor Management​

Lunan Bay is often described as Angus’ Jewel in the Crown. Its two mile long sandy beach, enrobed in dramatic red sandstone cliffs, iconic 14th century ruin castle containing a treasure-trove of natural history, it often rated one of the top 10 beaches in the UK.

The of the LBCP’s aims is to develop sustainable strategies for visitor management, to the mutual benefit of local residents and visitors, within the letter and intent of the current Scottish Outdoor Access Codes created under the Land Reform Act 2003. 

The LBCP is also establishing the Friends of the Lunan Bay for non-residents of the area. Allowing people with an affinity for Lunan Bay, to get involved with the LBCP activities.

A fundamental key is a permanent Community Ranger service at Lunan Bay to nurture positive visitor education behaviours. In addition, not only do the Rangers socially manage Lunan Bay, but they are responsible of the ecological stewardship too.
A resilient approach to futureproof the area by the LBCP, landowners, Rangers, wider community, local authority and other stakeholders is vital to ensure Lunan Bay remains unspoilt for generations to enjoy.

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The LBCP relies on crucial funding to uphold and deliver on our Aims, Events and Projects which protect and benefit Lunan Bay, the surrounding and immediate community and visitors from all over the world.




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Our Community Ranger-led Junior Ranger Club at Lunan Bay.

With the Global UN Climate Change Conference, COP26, which is held in Glasgow, our priority is to continue educating children in Angus about the importance of nature through our Community Ranger-led Junior Ranger Club at Lunan Bay.

We are running this free family club every Sat from 12-2pm. Our Junior Ranger Club outdoor education classes is also available for Angus primary schools. We are also running a kids club over the Tattie holidays.

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